Investor or Speculators?

When would be taking a decision to become an investor in property industry, which typical characteristics possessed by an investor that you should have? What kind of investor profile that is good?

As an investor, are you a person who tends to speculate or doubtful type? There are many people who want to become property investors but they only keep thinking of it and finally never take any actions. Or you are probably a person who likes spending money quickly without thinking any longer and this makes your investing decision become a failure.

Gary Keller, an author of Millionaire Real Estate Investors, used to conduct a research about people who are interested to be the property investors and based on this result, he divided the types.

From earlier profiling, Keller eventually found 4 profiles that can be considered as ‘nearly’ investors or real investors, they are: investors, collectors, speculators and observers. A real investor is surely a person who love the opportunity. Nevertheless, he will always invest in the right things rather than become a speculator.

An observer type is at the bottom of “investor-level”. This type generally enjoys learning and studying things diligently. But he will not be an investor as he never takes any action. Typical observer are those who will spend time and energy to learn and participate in various classes, seminars and conferences. Unfortunately, they do not have real motivation to do something and become a real investor.

As the opposite, a speculator is extremely different. This type of person is not afraid to do something. He likes taking an action and gets familiar with his mistakes, from where he can learn. He has a mental of a gambler.

According to Keller, a speculator often cannot distinguish between investing and risk taking. The decisions taken are mostly based on willingness to gain some great results quickly. A speculator likes the property ads that offer a high return from short term investments.

A speculator type is not always get succeeded. His courage sometimes makes him gain high return, because he believes in the principle of high risk-high return. 

A collector type likes to invest based on the emotional value instead of investment value. Just like a collector of the art-stuffs, he likes collecting something without thinking too much of taking some investments. It is profitable indeed to invest in property but his decision tends to be influenced by his emotional e.g. the beautiful look or colors he likes. He will think that the property he likes and buys will be an investment and it results some gains when he resell it. However, according to Keller, a collector is not really investing because the financial aspect of property is calculated afterward.

Now, what is the character of a real investor? Keller said, a real investor is he who keeps his effort to minimize the risks and maximize the return. He is not easy to take high risk decisions and not typical person who is just thinking because of emotional feelings. He buys property because there is an investment value.

For Keller, the real profile that is already inline with the real investor is the observer type.  If an observer gets his courage to take an action and invest, then he has taken a step as an investor.

Well, if you really intend to become an property investor, just start by being an observer who looks for something, learns and analyze it. Figure out any further information since it is very important in property business. Then, make sure that you can invest with proper calculation. A real property investor will always understand the risks that will be happened.  

Source: Property-in Magazine
Summarized by +Dimas Afriyanto and +Satrio Mandala 
Editorial: Marketing Communications of +Premium House