Jakarta Living Costs: Accommodation, Transportation, Food and Entertainment

Premhouse.com JAKARTA | Jakarta is one of the world’s busiest, largest and most populous cities. The Indonesian capital is ranked as the 9th largest city and 13th most populous city in the world. As the center of governance and business, the city attracts more and more people (Indonesians as well as expats). Indonesians come to Jakarta in search of better education, work and above all luck. Expats mostly for the latter two. Adding to the estimated 10-15 million people, this is not without consequence. The traffic is pure mayhem and living costs soar.

Jakarta Living Cost: Housing/Accommodation

For expats, renting an apartment is probably the most convenient way of living in Jakarta. The city’s property sector has been growing rapidly throughout the past decade, as the need for strategic-located housing increased. Traffic jams have also contributed to this rapid boom. Traffic jams eat time, money and patience, so location becomes even more important when you want to settle down in Jakarta. If you work in the business district, be sure to find housing in the vicinity, or with good access to and from the toll road.

Design Muse for Apartments

Premhouse.com JAKARTA | Choosing a look for your apartment takes time and patience. The personal touches you incorporate into the interior design allow your apartment to stand out from the endless lines of mass-produced blocks. 

While you may have some ideas, most of us don’t have a designer’s eye that can pinpoint exactly where that new artwork should go and how big a rug should be. That’s where interior design bloggers can help. As sources of color and theme ideas, the bloggers listed below are a sample of different ways to create that chic professionally designed look for your apartment without an overbearing designer in your home.

10 Factors Why Your House is Hard to be Sold!

Premhouse.com JAKARTA | Hire a real estate agent to accelerate your house selling! | Are you willing to sell your house? You think you have delivered the best effort to meet this purpose but it is seemingly still hard to get the right buyer? Here is a summary of the main factors which might cause you get difficulties to find the right buyers:

1. The price is too expensive
Like or dislike, you might feel free to determine the right price for your house. Nevertheless, whether it will be sold or not, the price plays an important role. In order to ease yourself in finding a reference for its market price, it is important to compare your house price to the ones around your neighborhood. If you start with the price that is too expensive, it is surely hard to be sold.

Kondotel Menjadi Tren Investasi Properti. Apa Kelebihannya?

Investasi “Bebas Stres“
Kondotel mulai menjadi tren dalam investasi properti. Apa kelebihannya?
Oleh: Azizi Fahmi Hidayat

Lupakan saja deposito, obligasi maupun franchise sebagai pilihan investasi saat ini. Prinsip investasi, yakni bebas resko dan meraup keuntungan maksimal, niscaya sulit ditemukan pada pilihan-pilihan tersebut. Ada baiknya kita melirik properti saat ini boleh dibidang berada pada titik paling ideal sebagai medium untuk menanam uang. Pilihannya juga beragam: hunian landed, vertical, bangunan komersial (ruko/rukan), office tower, dan hotel. Semuanya berpotensi mendatangkan rezeki melimpah karena sejatinya dalam properti tidak ada istilah rugi.

Pertumbuhan industri properti secara keseluruhan memang tengah menuju kepada tren positif. Hal ini didasari oleh tingginya kebutuhan konsumen akan hunian dan meningkatnya gairah para investor, yang meyakini bahwa investasi properti cenderung aman dan tidak tergerus kondisi ekonomi yang sedang labil meski saat ini mesti berhadapan dengan naiknya BI Rate di angka 7,75%.

Di antara beragam jenis properti, salah satu yang sedang naik daun adalah kondotel. Model hunian modern ini mengusung konsep seperti hotel yang memberikan kenyamanan super kepada penghuninya. Sementara dari sisi bisnis, kondotel menawarkan pendapatan pasif yang menggiurkan di tengah pertumbuhan pusat bisnis dan pariwisata.

Kiat Membeli Properti di Luar Negeri

Bagi investor atau calon investor yang ingin membeli property di luar negeri, Michael Ginarto punya enam tips yang patut diperhatikan. Hal ini berlaku universal di berbagai Negara, tidak hanya di Australia.

Location | Apakah properti itu dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas seperti: pusat perdagangan, kantor, pusat pembelanjaan, fasilitas transportasi umu, pusat edukasi dan health care. Kalau kelima unsur itu ada, harganya pasti premium.

Timing | Investor perlu mencermati kapan dia harus membeli: saat pre-launch, launch atau ketika proyek sudah jadi.

Keuntungan Memakai Jasa Broker Properti

RumahCom. Sebagai perantara penjual dengan pembeli atau penyewa properti, keberadaan broker properti amat diperlukan. Apalagi, belakangan agen properti telah menjadi profesi yang cukup diminati, yang terbukti dari menjamurnya perusahaan-perusahaan brokerage properti baru. 

Secara umum, ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh pemilik atau penjual properti dengan memakai jasa broker/agen properti, yakni:
  • Mendapat layanan yang akurat dan pasti.
  • Memperoleh informasi (kondisi, harga rumah, dan lain-lain) yang obyektif.
  • Mempercepat proses transaksi (jual-beli atau sewa).
  • Menghilangkan potensi waktu dan tenaga dalam proses penjualan.
  • Mengurangi beban biaya yang tidak perlu.

Sewa Atau Beli

Johan dan Jenny Wijaya merupakan pasangan yang beruntung. Saat mereka memutuskan membeli properti empat tahun silam, sekitar 2010, timing-nya sangat pas: sebelum pasar properti “lompat”. Pasangan ii membeli apartemen di daerah Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, di sebuah seperblok mall-apartment-office (kompleks yang sedang ngetren dibangun para developer belakangan ini). Apartemen itu mereka boyong seharga Rp 1,3 miliar. Tidak sampai tiga tahun berselang. Johan Dan Jenny melihat sinyal pasar properti mulai menggelembung.Keduanya memutuskan untuk menjual apartemen itu dan kembali menyewa tempat tinggal saja.

“Kelihatannya market properti sedang booming banget, cepat sekali, dan kayaknya ada tanda-tanda mau bubble. Opportunity cast-nya jadi terlalu tinggi untuk kami acuhkan, “kata Johan (34), eksekutif di sebuah perusahaan pialang saham. Mereka menutup penjualan properti tersebut senilai Rp 3,8 miliar. Nilai fantastis, capital gain yang diraih hampir 200%!

Keuntungan Menggunakan Jasa Agen Properti Dalam Hal Pembelian Rumah

Mampu membeli rumah sendiri merupakan dambaan bagi kebanyakan orang sekaligus merupakan pengalaman jual-beli rumah bisa nampak sangat rumit. Walaupun Anda sudah mengalaminya beberapa kali, setiap peristiwa pembelian rumah merupakan pengalaman yang berbeda dan masing-masing memberikan tantangan baru.

Jadi, salah satu keuntungan yang pasti didapat dengan meminta bantuan seorang agen properti adalah Anda tidak perlu berjuang sendirian. Seorang agen properti yang baik sudah mendapat pelatihan yang lengkap sehingga mengerti apa yang harus dikerjakan, dan berpengalaman dalam membantu Anda menjalani tahap demi tahap transaksi properti. Mulai dari mencari, menyeleksi, membeli hingga proses perpindahan ke rumah baru Anda dengan lebih cepat, mudah dan menyenangkan.

Tips | Good Communications is the Key to Being a Good Property Manager

Some people are just great at organising things and people and are also great communicators and these are two of the many requirements that you need to be a great property manager. If you are looking into becoming a property manager you could earn between £15,000 and £40,000 a year depending on your skills and location, with the option of earning more than this if you are in an area of elite properties with rich clients.

Ideally you will need some experience in the business, whether that be through being a landlord yourself or maybe from being an estate agent or a project manager for a company. As well as properties you might also be asked to manage land as well and this could be arable farm land, forests or industrial sites and hence you will need to be a good all rounder who can diversify their talents. As a property manager you will be required to oversee all aspects of managing a portfolio of properties, from dealing with the client as well as dealing with the tenants which means that you need to be a great communicator and be a people person, in other words, you must be able to deal with difficult people and problems that might arise. In addition to clients and tenants you might also need to communicate with professional people such as legal solicitors and land managers in order to provide the best service for your client.

The Reality of Living in Jakarta

You might have heard ‘scary’ things about Jakarta: the maddening traffic, heartbreaking poverty, even terrorist attacks targeting expatriates. If you are considering an offer to relocate to Jakarta, it is no wonder you are very concerned about your family’s wellbeing!

But let us tell you the truth: living in Jakarta is actually not as scary as you thought. It is truly exciting and fulfilling! In HSBC Expat Explorer Survey which involves more than 7,000 expats in 37 countries, Indonesia ranked twelfth in the world with economics and experience criteria. Expats who are living in Indonesia reports very positive experience living there, according to the survey. So, there is a very good chance that you and your family would find your happiness in Jakarta, Indonesia too! 

Security concerns 
Some terrorist attacks did happen in Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia, mainly targeting expatriates. However, the Indonesian Police Force has formed a special unit to combat terrorism, which has successfully captured many most wanted terrorists. Since several years ago, a thorough security check has also been a very common practice in every hotels, shopping malls and office buildings in Jakarta to prevent such unwanted events. As a result, Jakarta has been a relatively safer place these days. 

Premhouse 6 Tips for Making Your Kitchen the Heart of the Home

A great family kitchen really is the heart of the home. It’s where countless good times are shared over family dinners, where important conversations often take place as mom or dad prepares a meal for the family, and where the details of the school day are shared over an afternoon snack. With our kitchens acting so much like a “family room,” maybe it’s a good idea to put a little thought into making it warm and inviting for family and guests alike!

1. Decide on your vibe. The colors and finishes already in place in your kitchen may dictate how much latitude you have here, but decide on a feeling you want the space to evoke. It might be a sweetly decorated place known for its baked treats, a rustic space with lots of natural elements, or a contemporary room with some key tech elements to draw your techy kids in.

Premhouse Useful Information | Property Tips

The growth in annual demand within the Jakarta residential market is predicted to outpace supply growth in 2012 and 2013 and lead to a continuation of the land price increases in all areas. What makes this property sector perform consistently well in spite of Jakartan’s lifestyle shift to high rise living?

The following are excerpts of an interview with property consultantCushman & Wakefieldrelated to the current condition of the Jakarta landed house market: 

Question: What is the current trend in landed house?  

Answer: Positive growth in sales rates was observed in all areas during 2011. The demand growth of landed residential units was still higher than supply growth. In some prominent residential estates, developers trusted track records, access to activity locations and comprehensive infrastructure and facilities were the main considerations in buying decisions. National economic stability and decreasing KPR (housing loan) rates were also supporting factors during 2011, which successfully improved the purchasing motivation of prospective consumers. 

Kiat Menjadi Broker Handal

Bisnis perantara jual-beli (broker) properti makin menjamur seiring laju pertumbuhan industri properti. Tidak hanya label local, franchise asing pun kian menyemut. Komisi besar dan waktu kerja lebih fleksibel merupakan daya tarik tersendiri. Gurihnya bisnis ini memang bisa menjadi peluang bagus bagi banyak orang.

Perkembangannya mudah dilihat secara kasat mata. Kantor-kantor perwakilan broker propert kini bertebaran dimana-mana. Poster-poster berjudul “Dijual”atau” Disewakan”, disertai foto dan nama broker-nya, acap ditemui di unit-unit perumahan dan rukan. Keberadaan mereka memang makin menggurita. Saat ini Asosiasi Real Estate Broker Indonesia (AREBI) sudah menaungi sekitar 80 perusahaan agen properti.

Maraknya pemain di pasar tentu saja meimbulkan persaingan ketat. Broker yang tidak professional secara alami akan terlempar dari kancah kompetisi. Nah, beberapa tips berikut ini berguna bagi anda yang tertarik menjadi broker handal.

Andalah Bisnisnya

Pertama dan yang paling penting, Andalah yang menjadi bisnisnya. Memang benar agen (broker) properti bisa saja bekerja untuk suatu kantor atau merek broker tertentu, tetapi setiap agen itu adalah tenaga penjual mandiri yang mempunyai image masing-masing.

Small Space Bedroom Designs for your Kids

Kids don’t usually take up that much space that’s why it is easy for us to give them smaller sized bedrooms. However, a small room can be converted into a nice space for your kids complete with a study area through using the spaces wisely by having lots of storage paces for toys and other clutter. There are lots of different spaces for toys and other clutter. There are lots of different designs that can turn a small kid’s room into an amazing, practical, and functional room. Just make sure that the kids are also involved in choosing a theme and furniture pieces in their own bedroom. This enables kids to be decisive and sure of what they really want. Also remember that they are kids so go for fun and creative room designs and ideas. Here are some small space bedroom ideas that would be perfect for this creating a comfy and spacious bedroom for your kids

1. Beautiful Small Kid’s Bedroom Design
It is a great idea to have a big cabinet to cater to all your child’s clothes. Put this cabinet on one side of the bedroom together with the study table. This way you can actually attach bookshelves to the walls and the cabinet. The result is a very large closet/study area. This idea makes the room more organized and well arranged, resulting to more space for bed and other shelving units.

Best Tips to Help You Successfully Buy Your First House

Illustration (Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net) 

Jakarta – Owning your own home in Depok can be very rewarding. Home ownership has proven to be a prominent way to build one’s wealth, apart from being a way to create wonderful memories with family and friends. Of course, there’s a lot that goes into buying one’s first house. If you will soon be a first-time homeowner, preparation is key when finding a house that suits your needs.

The first step you should take is to create a checklist of all the qualities you expect in a house. This action sets the foundation for the home buying process by encouraging you to assess your needs as well as your wants, according to Fox Business. Your checklist should include must-haves, nice-to-haves, and other necessities, for a well-rounded outline. Once you have a comprehensive list put together, print it out and take it with you on trips to view different houses on the market. When going through each house, you can check off every note you made that applies to the house’s overall quality.

Children Room Ideas for More Comfortable Room Area

Children room ideas are our main topic today. Everything that should be exist on the room is about to share. The things are functional and totally helpful for you and your children. Then, by those things too they can learn more about the stuffs and everything they have. Importantly, your children will love the room. Many ideas you can take from this post because it is equipped with appropriate pictures to ease you. 

Children Room Inspirations 

When decorating children room, the first thing to notice when you plan to design a children room is safety. That is why you need to choose the safe furniture. Purchase the furniture with round edges to protect your children. Then, you should make sure that the furniture is made from safe materials from the wood, metals, paints, and accessories. Children room has to be comfortable, too. This room you can complete with comfy sofa and chairs. Interestingly, there are hundreds chairs and sofa with unique design to entertain your children room.

What Makes a Good Property Manager?

If you are letting out a property you might want to think about hiring the expertise of a property manager as they can save you money and reduce your stress levels. If you have not heard of a property manager here is a quick guide to finding a good property manager and what services they provide.

Property managers are people that are able to offer help and advice to landlords of privately owned properties. They are particularly valuable if you are located far from your rental property or if you own multiple properties that require a considerable amount of time in order to maintain them and manage them.