Kitchen Design Ideas

Kitchen credential: looking for kitchen design ideas? While the living room may be the social hub of the home, many of us have a tendency to spend an awful lot of time in our kitchens (and it's said that 'all the best parties end in the kitchen') which makes it all the more important to find a kitchen that works for you. Click through our images below and take at all of our kitchen design ideas. Whatever your budget, we're here to help you create a kitchen you'll love.

THE NEW BLACK | Artek's 'Pirkka' bar stools from Skandium line the island in the kitchen. A dark colour scheme and mid-century pieces contribute to the glamorous, urban look in this west-London town house by interior designer Suzy Hoodless

IN STORE DESIGN | For anyone with a love of cooking there can be few things more desirable than a well designed pantry. Whether as a place to stockpile ingredients ready for the perfect recipe, to horde homemade preserves, or store the harvested fruits of the allotment, there is simply something intrinsically satisfying about having all ones food in one orderly room, which kitchen cupboards can't beat. 

With its chic mix of granite, glass and metal this one by Butler Armsden has style and substance. Choosing glass for the higher shelving maximises a feeling of light and space, while also making it easier to see exactly what is on them - no more ancient jars lurking at the back. Hooks are a nice design feature for extra storage.